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ourse Expectations

This course of 34 weeks is designed to prepare students to acquire and develop all four language skills: Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing in the content area and build up knowledge, awareness, and understanding of the Spanish-speaking world through the study of language, culture, geography, history and literature

lassroom Expectations

Students actively contribute to a positive learning environment by using positive language, following instructions, being prepared, participating in class, and by respecting their self and others.

       For more details go to the Classroom Rules and Procedures tab.


Grades will be based upon attendance, participation (to include attitude, effort, integrity), quizzes, 2 major projects and homework. The semester grade will be comprised  following percentages:

Projects  20%

Quizzes 20%

HW and Classwork: 20%

Speaking Assessments: 15%

Final Project/Exam: 15%

 Attendance/Participation: 10%


As per Modern Language Department policy, grades WILL NOT be rounded for any reason.


Homework should be turned-in to your class folder on the "Homework & Handout" table at the start of class.

NO LATE WORK WILL BE ACCEPTED unless you have a justified absence.

It is the responsibility of the student to determine what was missed in class.

 upply List

Black Ink Pen/Pencils


Notebook and Binder

(used exclusively for Spanish)

Loose leaf paper



100 Index Cards

Nominal Fee


First day of school

Student Led Conferences

Start of fall break

Summative Assessement

Finals Week

International Night

AP Test

Last day of semester


Any unexcused absences will result in a zero for participation points for that day. Due to the active nature of the class, excused absences will result in an alternative assignment to make-up for the missed opportunity to earn participation points during class. TARDIES will be reflected on participation grade as well.

See handbook for current  school policies.

equired Texts


Supplemental materials will also be provided including videos, projects, web enhanced materials and hand outs.


There will be a   ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY for any form of harassment or bullying behavior; disciplinary action will be taken as needed regarding this issue

ell Schedule

For more information and changes please go to this link:

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